
Thursday 10 November 2016

America gets Trumped

NEW YORK: Millions of Americans went to bed in utter disbelief late Tuesday night and many more
 woke up to a shocking reality Wednesday morning when they discovered that Donald Trump would
be the 45th President of the United States. He secured, at least, 290 electoral votes against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton who managed to bag 228 votes. Trump, 70, will be the oldest man ever elected president of the United States. He married thrice and his youngest son, Barron, is ten years old.
A new surge of white voters, mostly without college degrees and doing blue-collar jobs, negated all
 projections and predictions by the mainstream US media and ensured his victory. High percentage
of Latino, black and Asian voters failed to help Hillary Clinton become the first female president of
 the United States. For months, she was the favourite of the New York Times, Huffington Post and
other credible publications. “Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. Complicated. Thank you very much,” the president-elect told his jubilant
 supporters, at his victory speech, in New York’s Hilton.
Mrs. Clinton conceded defeat and called President-elect Trump to congratulate him.
“I have just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory,
 and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean, she fought very
 hard… and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” the president-elect said.
In her post-defeat speech Wednesday morning, Mrs Clinton believed Trump would be a successful
president of the United States. She said they were not expecting such results, which left both her and
 the supporters disappointed. “Our campaign was not about one person. It was about building America
. Our nation is deeply divided. We must accept these results and look to the future. Donald Trump is going
 to be our president. Our constitution enshrines peaceful transition of power,” she said
President Obama called the president-elect to invite him to the White House on Thursday to discuss the
 smooth transition of power. He also called former Secretary of State Mrs Clinton and expressed admiration
 for the strong campaign she waged throughout the country. Polling began in the United States on Tuesday
 with high hopes among Mrs. Clinton supporters. However, as clocks ticked she and her supporters had to
 face one shock after another. Five States including Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa
flipped to Republicans and played a decisive role in President-elect Trump’s victory.
The Republicans also won the Senate and maintained their majority in the House of Representatives,
 which meant they were in virtual control of three power centres. Besides, after assuming office the
 president will appoint a ninth Supreme Court judge, expected to tilt the balance in Republicans’ favour.
Trump, who never held any public office before, will be heavily relying on his advisors to formulate domestic

 and foreign policies. He already made it clear that he would not follow the policies of Obama administration
 vis-à-vis Middle East and ISIS.
Democrats’ election night parties abruptly ended across America after it became clear that they had lost the election. They came with happy faces to celebrate victory. However, they had to leave early in tears. “Yikes,” snapped Congressman Jamie Raskin, when Daily Times sought his comments about America under Trump.
 “Is this really a serious question? I shudder to think about it,” he said.
Cathy, a paramedic, refused to accept that America would be just fine under Trump presidency. “This man wanted all immigrants to leave. He harassed women. He evaded taxes. He lied. He cheated. He is the last
nail in the coffin,” she said.
Trump was uncharacteristically gracious in his victory speech, saying he would pursue harmony over hostility throughout the world. “I will be President for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country,” Trump said at his victory speech to throngs of jubilant supporters.
source:daily times

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