
Thursday 17 November 2016

Extreme whether and Temperature rise, A sign of Danger for Humans

This “hot and wild” weather meant that global ocean temperatures rose at unprecedented levels, Arctic sea ice coverage and mountain glaciers declined and surface melting of the Greenland ice sheet continued at above-average levels.
The extreme weather also meant that people around the world suffered from high-impact climate events such as severe droughts in Africa, devastating floods in South-East Asia, terrible heatwaves in India and Pakistan, and catastrophic hurricanes and typhoons in the United States and the Philippines.
Against this backdrop and within the context of the ongoing 22nd Conference of the Parties (COP22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), in Marrakech, Morocco (07-18 November 2016), the United Nations News
Centre spoke with Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of World Meteorological Organization (WMO), on the state of the Earth’s weather and what it means to the people who inhabit the planet.
Q: The global climate report 2011-2015 confirms that the average global temperature in 2015 has already reached the 1 degree Celsius mark. What does this 1 degree Celsius really mean to people on the ground, say for an office worker in South East Asia or a farmer in South Africa?
Petteri Taalas: One degree does not sound like a big number if you compare the temperate over a couple of days but globally [over a long period of time] it means that we have seen an increase in the amount of disasters related to the weather. It means that we have observed more heat waves, for example, in Kuwait, the temperature hit 54 degrees-Celsius limit last summer and there have been devastating heat waves in many continents.
We have also seen changes in the pattern of rainfall, which means that some areas are now seeing flooding – when it rains, it rains much more — and that led to problems for human beings and also for economies. And then in some parts of the world we have seen more droughts, caused by the heat waves, and leading to forest fires and difficulties in agriculture. For example, at the moment, the southern part of Africa is suffering because of a drought that was partly caused by El Nino last year but also by a drying trend behind it. In tropical zones we have observed more intense tropical storms and they have been devastating for countries like Vanuatu. We also observed the first hurricane hitting Cabo Verde on the African coast.
So this one degree change means that the amount of disasters related to weather and hydrology have been increasing and if it goes beyond that one degree limit – which seems to be the case according to this year’s observations – we can expect to see more of this kind of disasters. And it will have a negative impact on the economies of the countries, and it will also impact the lives and wellbeing of all humans.
26 July 2016 – The World Meteorological Organization (WMO), a United Nations specialized agency, will set up a committee to examine whether a 54 degrees Celsius temperature recently recorded in Kuwait, has set the new highest temperature for Asia, as well as for the entire Eastern hemisphere.
UN underscores readiness to assist South-East Asian countries hit by floods
18 October 2011 – The United Nations voiced deep concern over the devastating floods in Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam and offered to assist the affected countries to respond to the disaster that has claimed hundreds of lives and caused heavy damage to property and infrastructure.
Q: What has caused this dramatic change in temperatures?
Petteri Taalas: The main reason behind it is that we are using much more fossil fuel: coal, gas, and oil. We have changed the composition of the atmosphere. Therefore, we have seen a very dramatic increase of the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere. And we have also seen an increase in the amount of methane (CH4) in the atmosphere and an increase of the nitrous oxide (N2O). And all these are contributing to this warming that we have seen.
Q: Earlier WMO had said that this 1 degree rise – already half way to the 2-degree threshold – and that the national climate change plans adopted so far may not even be enough to prevent even a 3-degree rise. Do you think this is something that could have been foreseen before the Paris agreement?
Petteri Taalas: In our field we have known about this problem for 30 years. So about 30 years ago, we established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and then years later we established the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to start mitigating climate change. So this problem has been around for a long time, but the good news is that governments now understand the need to mitigate climate change, and that’s why they adopted the Paris Agreement on climate change last year, and it has very recently entered into force. This gives us a good basis for moving forward, and to mitigate the effects of climate change. And the key issue is whether we are acting quickly enough to avoid a 1.5 or 2 degree warming or are we going to go beyond that. So far the pledges behind the Paris Agreement indicate about a 3 degree warming level, which would mean that we might have a larger amount of disasters related to the weather. So it would be a smart thing for the governments to start reducing the emissions, and that would also be good for the coming generations.
There is optimism in the fight against climate change, but the best time to act is now, according to Petteri Taalas, Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). The head of the UN weather agency was speaking to UN News Centre, shortly after releasing a report on global greenhouse gases and climate change, which categorised 2011 to 2015 as the hottest five-year period on record. Mr. Taalas also noted that the world is now better equipped with technologies to mitigate the levels of greenhouse gas emissions and their impact on the global climate.
Q: In this context, what other messages would you like to give to the leaders attending the COP22 in Morocco?
Petteri Taalas: I would like to thank them for ratifying the Paris Agreement, which gives us hope. And we also now have better technological means for mitigation. And those means are also cheaper than they used to be. For example, solar and wind energy sources are cheaper than they used to be ten years ago. And we also have possibilities to convert our transport systems to use more electric cars. In the case of diet, we can go to more vegetarian diet; which could also reduce emissions.
So we have all the means available, and now it’s time to act and prevent these negative impacts of climate change, and it’s important that we start acting very soon, because if we wait, the problem will become more severe. I am very optimistic that we have all the means to be successful, but we should start changing our behavior very soon.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

Combine initiative of Facebook and Google

Google said it is working on a policy change to prevent websites that misrepresent content from using its Ad Sense advertising network, while Facebook updated its advertising policies to spell out that its ban on deceptive and misleading content applies to fake news.
The shifts comes as Google, Facebook and Twitter Inc face a backlash over the role they played in the U.S. presidential election by allowing the spread of false and often malicious information that might have swayed voters toward Republican candidate Donald Trump.
The issue has provoked a fierce debate within Facebook especially, with Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg insisting twice in recent days that the site had no role in influencing the election.
Facebook’s steps are limited to its ad policies, and do not target fake news sites shared by users on their news feeds.
“We do not integrate or display ads in apps or sites containing content that is illegal, misleading or deceptive, which includes fake news,” Facebook said in a statement, adding that it will continue to vet publishers to ensure compliance.
Google’s move similarly does not address the issue of fake news or hoaxes appearing in Google search results. That happened in the last few days, when a search for ‘final election count’ for a time took users to a fake news story saying Trump won the popular vote. Votes are still being counted, with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton showing a slight lead.
Nor does Google suggest that the company has moved to a mechanism for rating the accuracy of particular articles.
Rather, the change is aimed at assuring that publishers on the network are legitimate and eliminating financial incentives that appear to have driven the production of much fake news.
“Moving forward, we will restrict ad serving on pages that misrepresent, misstate, or conceal information about the publisher, the publisher’s content, or the primary purpose of the web property,” Google said in a statement.
The company did not detail how it would implement or enforce the new policy.
“One of the incentives for a good portion of fake news is money,” he said. “This could cut the income that creates the incentive to create the fake news sites.”
However, he cautioned that detecting fake news sites was not easy. “What if it is a site with some real information and some fake news? It requires specialized knowledge and having humans (do it) doesn’t scale,” he said. –REUTERS
source: The News Tribe

Saturday 12 November 2016

Trump website resumes ‘Muslim ban’ proposal

 Trump’s proposal for calling a ban on Muslim immigrants from worldwide disappeared from his campaign website on Thursday, but a spokesman said what some observers took as a softening of Trump’s policies was due to a technical glitch.
The link to Trump’s Dec. 7 proposal titled: “Donald J. Trump statement on Preventing Muslim Immigration,” in which he called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States” vanished temporarily from the website but later reappeared.
So too did a list of Trump’s potential Supreme Court justice picks as president and certain details of his economic, defense and regulatory reform plans.
“The website was temporarily redirecting all specific press release pages to the home page,” Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said in an email.
Links to Trump’s policy proposals, including the Muslim ban, were working again by 3:30 p.m. EST (2030 GMT).
The links, which had redirected readers to a campaign fundraising page, appeared to have been removed around Election Day on Tuesday, when Trump won a historic upset against Democratic rival Hillary Clinton, according to a website that records historic snapshots of web pages.
In an appearance on CNBC on Thursday, Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal praised Trump for removing the Muslim ban proposal from his website and also said Trump had deleted statements offensive to Muslims from his Twitter account.
The prince could not be reached for comment after the links were restored.
Several tweets attacking Muslims that Trump sent while campaigning for president remained in his feed on Thursday, including a March 22 tweet in which Trump wrote:
“Incompetent Hillary, despite the horrible attack in Brussels today, wants borders to be weak and open-and let the Muslims flow in. No way!”
After initially praising the removal of the Muslim ban proposal at a news conference with other civil rights leaders on Thursday, Samer Khalaf, president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said in a follow-up interview the group was hoping to see better behavior from Trump.
“False hope just came over us,” Khalaf said, but “we didn’t really think it was monumental that they took down the language.”
Khalaf said Trump’s policies were more important than any statements. “He’s elected, he said some horrible things, now we have to see what his policies are. If they’re good policies we’re going to commend him for it. If they’re horrible policies we’re going to challenge him on it.”
Despite the temporary glitch, most of Trump’s core policy positions had remained on his website, including his central immigration promise to build an “impenetrable physical wall” on the border with Mexico and make Mexico pay for its construction.
It was not the first time the Trump campaign blamed technical difficulties for changes to its website. The campaign this year also replaced the part of the site describing Trump’s healthcare policy with a different version. When contacted about it by Reuters in September, the campaign put the original page back up. –Reuters
source: The News Tribe

Thursday 10 November 2016

King Khan Pictorial Biography

Shah Rukh Khan launches his biography |
MUMBAI: Bollywood’s legendary star, Shah Rukh Khan aka King Khan has on Wednesday night launched his pictorial biography in an aspiring event in Mumbai.
While talking to media at the launch, Shah Rukh recounted his early days in the industry.
“I was an odd-looking guy, I was not from a film background, I spoke too fast but I am thankful to all the filmmakers and those friends who gave me an opportunity. So for me, if a newcomer comes, I have been trained by people like these to respect the newcomer and love them,” he said.

The actor later took to twitter and thanked author Samar Khan for the book. He even specially mentioned how his younger son AbRam loved the book. SRK wrote, “Thk u @samarmumbaikhan this is so special. The book is lovely & my lil 1 is happy to c so many papas #25yearsofalife”.
SRK has had an awe-inspiring journey in Bollywood for 25 years now. While he is known as the ‘Badshah of Bollywood’ today, 25 years ago, he was just a guy who wanted to make it big in the city of dreams.

The biography ’25 Years Of A Life’ has captured his journey in the world of films, where each of its chapters are a director’s take on a particular character created by them and portrayed by SRK. The book was unveiled by King Khan himself at an event on Wednesday night.
The story originally appeared in TOIM

America gets Trumped

NEW YORK: Millions of Americans went to bed in utter disbelief late Tuesday night and many more
 woke up to a shocking reality Wednesday morning when they discovered that Donald Trump would
be the 45th President of the United States. He secured, at least, 290 electoral votes against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton who managed to bag 228 votes. Trump, 70, will be the oldest man ever elected president of the United States. He married thrice and his youngest son, Barron, is ten years old.
A new surge of white voters, mostly without college degrees and doing blue-collar jobs, negated all
 projections and predictions by the mainstream US media and ensured his victory. High percentage
of Latino, black and Asian voters failed to help Hillary Clinton become the first female president of
 the United States. For months, she was the favourite of the New York Times, Huffington Post and
other credible publications. “Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody. Sorry to keep you waiting. Complicated business. Complicated. Thank you very much,” the president-elect told his jubilant
 supporters, at his victory speech, in New York’s Hilton.
Mrs. Clinton conceded defeat and called President-elect Trump to congratulate him.
“I have just received a call from Secretary Clinton. She congratulated us. It’s about us. On our victory,
 and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean, she fought very
 hard… and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country,” the president-elect said.
In her post-defeat speech Wednesday morning, Mrs Clinton believed Trump would be a successful
president of the United States. She said they were not expecting such results, which left both her and
 the supporters disappointed. “Our campaign was not about one person. It was about building America
. Our nation is deeply divided. We must accept these results and look to the future. Donald Trump is going
 to be our president. Our constitution enshrines peaceful transition of power,” she said
President Obama called the president-elect to invite him to the White House on Thursday to discuss the
 smooth transition of power. He also called former Secretary of State Mrs Clinton and expressed admiration
 for the strong campaign she waged throughout the country. Polling began in the United States on Tuesday
 with high hopes among Mrs. Clinton supporters. However, as clocks ticked she and her supporters had to
 face one shock after another. Five States including Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin and Iowa
flipped to Republicans and played a decisive role in President-elect Trump’s victory.
The Republicans also won the Senate and maintained their majority in the House of Representatives,
 which meant they were in virtual control of three power centres. Besides, after assuming office the
 president will appoint a ninth Supreme Court judge, expected to tilt the balance in Republicans’ favour.
Trump, who never held any public office before, will be heavily relying on his advisors to formulate domestic

 and foreign policies. He already made it clear that he would not follow the policies of Obama administration
 vis-à-vis Middle East and ISIS.
Democrats’ election night parties abruptly ended across America after it became clear that they had lost the election. They came with happy faces to celebrate victory. However, they had to leave early in tears. “Yikes,” snapped Congressman Jamie Raskin, when Daily Times sought his comments about America under Trump.
 “Is this really a serious question? I shudder to think about it,” he said.
Cathy, a paramedic, refused to accept that America would be just fine under Trump presidency. “This man wanted all immigrants to leave. He harassed women. He evaded taxes. He lied. He cheated. He is the last
nail in the coffin,” she said.
Trump was uncharacteristically gracious in his victory speech, saying he would pursue harmony over hostility throughout the world. “I will be President for all of Americans, and this is so important to me. For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people, I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country,” Trump said at his victory speech to throngs of jubilant supporters.
source:daily times

Wednesday 9 November 2016

Trump win ‘opens period of uncertainty’: France

PARIS: French President Francois Hollande, who once said Donald Trump made him want to retch, warned Wednesday that the Republican billionaire’s stunning victory in the US election “opens a period of uncertainty.”

In a televised address, Hollande underlined that the United States was a key partner for business, for solving wars in the Middle East and tackling global warming — something Trump has dismissed as a hoax.
“This American election opens a period of uncertainty,” he said in a statement that offered only brief congratulations to the Republican billionaire.
As well as France keeping up its global role, “this context calls for a united Europe, capable of making itself heard and of promoting policies wherever its interests or its values are challenged,” he said.
Hollande, who has disastrous approval ratings ahead of France’s presidential election next year, has been an outspoken critic of Trump and in October had predicted a victory for Hillary Clinton.
In the wake of a feud between the incoming US president and the Muslim parents of a slain US soldier in August, the Socialist French president told journalists that “his excesses make you want to retch”.
Trump has raised hackles in France after saying attacks in Paris last year that left 130 people dead might have been avoided if the country relaxed its gun laws.
He has also referred to “vicious” no-go zones in Paris and said French people arriving in the United States could face security vetting because of fears about extremists. –AFP
source: The news Tribe

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Junior Rawalpindi Express

Shoaib was over the moon with this big news and declared the day as the ‘best day of his life’.
While speaking to Geo News exclusively, Shoaib let it be known that both mother and the baby are fine and out of danger.
He further thanked all his fans and friends for keeping the family in prayers.

Indian Flight landed in Karachi

According to SAMAA, condition of a passenger, Sohan Singh got critical on board the flight.Under the emergency situation, the pilot landed the plane at Karachi airport to provide healthcare to the ailing passenger.
It should be mentioned here that the incident took place at 1am moments after last midnight. However, the passenger passed away during the medical treatment.
A little later, plane of the Indian airline left for its destination.

No holiday in Punjab on Iqbal Day

LAHORE: All Private Schools Association announced on Tuesday to that all the schools in Punjab will remain open on Wednesday, November 9, on Iqbal Day 2016. 

The Interior Ministry on Tuesday noon issued a notification, dismissing the summary for Iqbal Day (November 9) to be declared a holiday.
The notification stated that federal offices across the country will remain open as per normal tomorrow (November 9).
Schools in Sindh, Balochistan closed
Educational institutes in Sindh and Balochistan will remain closed on November 09 on account of Iqbal Day, according to notifications issued by the provincial education departments.
In the meantime, Rawalpindi city administration did not wait for any notification or announcement from federation or the province and announced to mark tomorrow as public holiday.

Monday 7 November 2016

Commander Royal Saudi Air Force visits Pakistan Navy Headquarters

ISLAMABAD: Major General Mohammed Bin Saleh Al Otaibi Commander Royal Saudi Air Force, visited Naval Headquarters Islamabad today and called on Chief of the Naval Staff, Admiral Muhammad Zakaullah.
During the meeting, professional matters of mutual interest came under discussion. The Naval Chief also highlighted Pakistan’s commitment and performance in fight against terrorism including participation of Pakistan Navy in Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan (CMCP) and Counter Piracy Operations.
Commander Royal Saudi Air Force lauded Pakistan Navy’s role and focused commitment in support of maritime security for peace and stability in the region.

Sunday 6 November 2016

Asma Abbas Playing with Cancer

Asma Abbas diagnosed with cancer: report |

DailyPakistan reported via to sources, she is undergoing treatment for the illness.
Asma has done several projects which have been very popular throughout her career, such as Saltanat e Dil, Mamta, Laadon mein Pali, Mann ke moti and her latest project is being aired on HUM Tv Network by the name of ‘Laaj’.
We wish Asma Abbas a speedy recovery and hope she gets back to the best of health and spirits

Trump Or Clinton ?

Clinton  and Trump are making  their  closing  arguments  to  American  voters, crisscrossing  the  United  States  in  hopes  of  convincing  last-minute  undecided  voters  and  rallying  their  bases  to  turn  out  enthusiastically  on  the Election Day.
Opinion polls show Clinton still holds advantages in states that could be critical in deciding the election, but her lead has narrowed after a revelation a week ago that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was looking into a new trove of emails as part of its probe into her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state.
The state opinion polls have found Florida as one of the most competitive among the swing states – those that are hotly contested because their voters can swing either to Republicans or Democrats. The 2000 presidential election was decided in
Florida after a dispute over votes and recounting of ballots went to the U.S. Supreme Court, which ruled in favor of Republican George W. Bush over Democrat Al Gore.
The Real Clear Politics average of Florida polls found Clinton with a lead of about 1 percentage point – indicating the race there is a virtual tie.
Trump held a morning rally in Tampa, Florida, where he continued to criticize Clinton for supporting the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, in the wake of announcement that premiums are going to rise next year.
“It’s not going to matter because if we win I’m throwing it out anyway,” Trump said.
Trump will also campaign Saturday in North Carolina, Nevada and Colorado. Trump told the crowd he will also hold a campaign
event in Minnesota this weekend, although one had not previously been scheduled. His campaign confirmed a rally scheduled for Wisconsin on Sunday has been canceled. Minnesota has not voted for a Republican since 1984.
Trump repeated an attack against Clinton that he is more aggressively campaigning because she lacks “stamina.”
“Look, I’m here I’m doing five or six of these a day, and Hillary goes home, she goes to sleep. If she wanted to do it, which she doesn’t, she doesn’t have the energy to do it, believe me,” Trump said in Tampa. He had four events planned that day.
Clinton started the day by stopping by the West Miami Community Center, a Cuban American neighborhood, with telenova star Jencarlos Canela.
Clinton will hold an afternoon rally in southern Florida then head to Philadelphia, where she will appear with pop singer Katy Perry for an evening rally. Clinton has leaned on her celebrity supporters to draw large crowds in the final days of the campaign.
On Tuesday night, she appeared in Cleveland with rapper Jay-Z and singer Beyonce.
Nationally, Clinton has held her slight advantage in the opinion polls in the closing days of the campaign.
Clinton leads Trump by 5 percentage points, according to a Reuters/Ipsos tracking poll released on Friday, maintaining her
advantage in the national survey even as the race tightens in several crucial swing states.
The YouGov polling estimate released on Saturday found Clinton with a 3 percentage point lead and estimated she would
win 293 electoral college votes, more than the 270 needed to win the White House.
The Washington Post/ABC daily tracking poll showed Clintonahead of Trump by 4 percentage points. – REUTERS

Afridi With a Reason

Afridi turned down Rangpur captaincy for this reason! |
DHAKA: Legend of modern cricket Shahid Afridi on Saturday turned down an offer by a top Bangladeshi cricket league to lead its team in the 2016 season.
The offer was made by Rangpur Riders, one of the seven teams of the Bangladesh Premier League (BPL).
Afridi took to the micro-blogging website Twitter to reveal the offer.
The Pakistani cricketer said that he was more interested to enjoy his role as a player.
“Riders offered me captaincy for #BPL2016. I’m thankful for offer but I want to enjoy as a player hence have refused” Afridi tweeted.
Raiders offered me captaincy for . I'm thankful for offer but I want to enjoy as a player hence have refused.
The BPL T20 2016 will be held from November 4th to December 9.
Apart from Shahid Afridi, opener Sharjeel Khan, Muktar Ahmed, Babar Azam and Nasir Jamshed are part of Rangpur Riders’ squad.

The story originally appeared in Samaa News.

Bangladesh Premier League Or Baarish Premier League

Heavy rain in Mirpur washed out first four games have without a ball bowled. The matches from the new start date will take place according to the existing schedule, while four of the first six matches, earlier scheduled from November 4 to 6, will be played later in the tournament.
As per ESPNcricinfo report, Rangpur Riders and Khulna Titans have agreed to a rematch on November 8, but Comilla Victorians and Rajshahi Kings are still undecided, said BPL’s member secretary Ismail Haider Mallick.
BCB vice-president Mahbubul Anam however said that the board cannot legally reassign the November 4 matches unless all the participating teams are unanimous on the decision whether to replay the two games or not.
The announcement of starting the tournament was made later on Saturday evening, adding that both matches on Saturday – Chittagong Kings v Barisal Bulls, and Dhaka Dynamites v Comilla – had been postponed earlier in the day.
He said that the decision to restart the tournament from November 8 was decided in meeting on Saturday afternoon.
The meeting involved the BPL governing council and representatives from the seven franchises, while broadcasters and ticketing partners were also taken into account.
“We have a weather report which has a forecast for more rain for another two days,” Mallick said. “So far not a single ball has been bowled in the tournament due to the rain. We have decided to postpone the November 5 and 6 matches. We now want to hold our first match on November 8 as per the existing schedule. We will reschedule the November 5 and 6 matches in the rest days within our fixtures list.”
“We will try to reassign the five or six matches on November 10 and 14 and, if need be, we will hold three matches in a day. November 20 is also an option for the rescheduled matches.”
The story originally appeared in ESPNcricinfo

Saturday 5 November 2016

Faisal Raza Abidi detained

Several hours after his detention, Law enforcement agencies have now claimed that truckload arms were recovered from former Senator Faisal Raza Abidi’s house on Friday, Samaa News reported.
Abidi, who was detained late on Friday, had his home searched for half an hour by law enforcement agencies.
Defending Abidi, ‘Shiite organisations’ claimed that Abidi held licenses of the recovered weapons, adding that the licenses were being deliberately concealed by the agencies.
Law enforcement agencies detained former Senator Faisal Raza Abidi in Karachi late on Friday.
Earlier on Friday, at least six people including four members of proscribed Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat (ASWJ) were killed and two injured in separate incidents of firing in different parts of Karachi.
As per details, three men, appeared to be ‘religious scholars’, were shot in the Shafiq Mor area of North Karachi.